From pantry to people this local food drive makes a difference

  • Congressman Darren Soto was one of the volunteers Friday morning at a Second Harvest Food Bank food distribution at the Central Motel on west U.S. Highway 192. PHOTO/THOMAS OUELLETTE
    Congressman Darren Soto was one of the volunteers Friday morning at a Second Harvest Food Bank food distribution at the Central Motel on west U.S. Highway 192. PHOTO/THOMAS OUELLETTE

Over 300 families along U.S. Highway 192 are projected to receive free essential grocery items from volunteers at Clarita’s House Outreach Ministry and Second Harvest to feed hope.

Families living in motels along U.S. 192 in Kissimmee currently live in what experts at the Second Hand Food Bank of Central Florida call a “food desert”, where residents don’t have ready access to essential foods and other groceries.

Local food banks partnered together to host a food drive Friday outside of the Central Motel on U.S. 192 to help get these necessities to the people who need them the most.

“In Central Florida, we have many people who work low wage jobs and they’re not able to come up with the money for a deposit so they find themselves living in a week to week or month to month temporary hotel like this,” said Erika Spence, Storytelling and Communications expert for Second Harvest. “We are trying to take care of that grocery bill so that they can focus on other urgent needs like medical bills or rent.”

People in need can receive these groceries by either waiting in line on foot or driving by in their cars. Food pantry officials at the drive estimated that they had more than 44,000 pounds of food ready to hand out to anyone who comes by.

The food being given out includes everyday items like beef, chicken, pork and produce. In addition, families who come by can receive a specialized box to fill their own pantries, containing non perishable foods like canned tuna, peanut butter, cereal, shelf stable milk, soups, and stews.

Joining the volunteers at the food drive was Congressman Darren Soto who has been working on passing a Farm Bill that will help increase donations to food pantries across Osceola County.