GUEST EDITORIAL -- College kids are home for the holidays; how’s their mental health?

  •  College kids are home for the holidays; how’s their mental health?
    College kids are home for the holidays; how’s their mental health?

As the holiday season approaches, students across the country are wrapping up papers and exams for a long holiday break. For many, it is a time to rest, recharge and catch up with friends and family. It can also be an important opportunity for the adults in students’ lives to check in about their mental health and wellness.

In college, our kids’ lives are full of new experiences. Navigating academic pressures and a growing independence can also bring about challenges including anxiety or mood disorders that might need extra attention.

According to recent health data from America’s Health Rankings, adults age 18-25 face the greatest behavioral and mental health concerns across all adult age groups, and are most likely to report frequent mental distress, depression, unmet mental health needs, suicidal thoughts, and substance use disorder. College students and parents of college students revealed large disparities in parent perceptions of student mental health struggles. Parents were twice as likely to report that their child did not experience a behavioral or mental health concern in the last year, compared to what students reported about their own experiences. This disconnect is more than just a generation gap—when it comes to depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, or suicidal thoughts, not knowing what students are going through can have serious implications.

Opening the door to honest conversations is an important first step, as is staying tuned in to behavior. Some common warning signs of developing mental illness include persistent sadness, withdrawal from social interactions, outbursts of extreme irritability, drastic changes in mood, behavior or personality, changes in eating habits, difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, displaying changes in academic performance, or avoiding or missing school.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when addressing mental health with your child: Get the conversation going by asking questions. Mental health is a sensitive subject that your child might not want to discuss. As a parent, help make your child feel comfortable by approaching the topic with empathy and curiosity. Consider asking questions that encourage them to share experiences rather than respond “yes” or “no”: “How are you handling the balance between school and social life?” … “Can you tell me about some friends you’ve met and what you like to do together?” … “I’ve noticed you’re not feeling yourself lately, can you share what’s on your mind?”

Validate your child’s feelings. Let them know it’s okay to feel upset, anxious, scared, or angry – to “not be okay.” Avoid arguing about how they should feel and be open to discussing what makes them feel that way. If your child hesitates to discuss their emotional or behavioral shifts with you, continue providing support and encourage them to speak with someone they trust who might better understand their circumstances, like a different adult, school counselor, or doctor.

Come up with a plan to take action. After carefully listening and assessing the situation, it’s okay to have only some of the answers. To prepare for your child’s return to school, make sure they know what resources are available to them, should they need help whether that’s knowing how to access support available at school or on campus, or knowing the care options that exist through their insurance.

While conversations about mental health may not be easy, they are essential. It is more likely that our children will turn to us for support if we approach them with empathy and openness.

Dr. Donald Tavakoli is United Healthcare’s National Medical Director for Behavioral Health.

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