Students’ winning designs unveiled on school bike path

  • Michigan Avenue Elementary first-grader Olivia Rand and second-grader Kiaraliz Suarez won an FDOT bike-lane art contest, and their design is now displayed on a path outside PHOTO/DEBBIE DANIEL
    Michigan Avenue Elementary first-grader Olivia Rand and second-grader Kiaraliz Suarez won an FDOT bike-lane art contest, and their design is now displayed on a path outside PHOTO/DEBBIE DANIEL

May is National Bike Month, and two St. Cloud students have been recognized for their winning bike lane icon designs. An unveiling of their designs, which have been painted on the bike path at their school, was held Wednesday.

The Florida Department of Transportation sponsored the design contest last fall for Central Florida elementary students.

In Osceola County, the winners were Michigan Avenue Elementary first-grader Olivia Rand and second-grader Kiaraliz Suarez.

The winners’ eyes lit up as they saw their larger-than-life artwork on the path. Art teacher Linda Robinson and Principal Diane Crook-Nichols proudly looked on as their students and their families saw the reveal. To the families, Crook-Nichols said, “Thank you for sharing your children with us. We are so proud of them. It’s wonderful. I know you’re proud of them, too. They did a great job.”

After the bike path reveal, the winners returned to their classes, where FDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator Stephanie Moss presented them with certificates, and then spoke to the classes about pedestrian and bicycle safety.

Hands shot up as she asked, “Before we go on a bike ride, what do we do?” Students responded: “Ask an adult!” “Plan a route!” “Wear a helmet!”

Moss went on to explain the importance of wearing light-colored shirts, making sure bikes are in good working order, and crossing streets safely.

Students in the classes took home safety kit bags that afternoon, which included bicycle lights, lighted arm bands, and other safety materials.