School Board approves $15 minimum wage as of July 1


Other benefits for teachers, employees this school year and in 2022-23

  • Citing it as an “emergency declaration,” the Osceola County School Board approved a measure to increase its minimum wage for all employees to $15 an hour, effective July 1.
    Citing it as an “emergency declaration,” the Osceola County School Board approved a measure to increase its minimum wage for all employees to $15 an hour, effective July 1.

Citing it as an “emergency declaration,” the Osceola County School Board approved a measure to increase its minimum wage for all employees to $15 an hour, effective July 1.

In addition, all employees except for non-permanent substitute employees will receive a one-time $500 to be paid out prior to Spring Break, which starts March 12.

In addition, all support staff and bargaining unit employees already making over $15 an hour will receive a $0.30 an hour recurring salary increase.  All non-bargaining support staff already making over $15 an hour will receive a 2 percent recurring salary increase.

Board Chairperson Terry Castillo added the motion to the agenda at the start of the meeting, declaring it an emergency – the only way to legally add something to a prepared agenda – because of the issue attracting and retaining employees. The lack of bus drivers – there are about 210 drivers for nearly 250 bus routes – are an example.

“We are having trouble finding people to fill positions, and we’re asking people every week to apply,” Castillo said.

Fellow board member Julius Melendez put his support for it succinctly: “Sometimes, more money is the way to go.”

In negotiations between the teacher’s union and the School District, the sides had already hammered out these financial incentives:

For teachers: A non-recurring retention incentive supplement in the amount of $50 for each year of verified eligible experience paid to instructional employees with 10 or more years of experience. Also, salary negotiations for the 2022-2023 school year for educators will resume if the Florida Legislature appropriates additional funds for the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation or other similar specific compensation for instructional employees and legislates related terms and conditions.

For support staff and other union employees: A non-recurring supplement of $750.

For non-union support staff and administrators: a non-recurring supplement of 3.5 percent.