Orlando Diocese Human Trafficking Task Force event Saturday in Kissimmee

  • Photo/Anti-Slavery International
    Photo/Anti-Slavery International

The Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force will host a free awareness session for those interested in learning more about what has become a problem of modern-day slavery on Saturday from 10 a.m.-noon at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church (1603 N. Thacker Ave.) in Kissimmee.

According to the Diocese, Central Florida ranks No. 3 in the United States for human trafficking hotline calls, and roughly half of those trafficked are under 18.

Topics will include how society contributes to human trafficking locally and globally, how to recognize the signs and how to protect our children. The session will also provide an opportunity to learn more about joining the task force. Refreshments will be provided. To register, visit https://tinyurl.com/ya3e5fcy, or contact Christine Commerce at ccommerce@cflcc.org or call 407-658-1818 ext. 1122.