Poinciana News — Sept. 3 tragedy not the only crash incident — be on your best driving behavior


Sept. 3 tragedy not the only crash incident — be on your best driving behavior

  • The intersection of San Miguel Road and Laurel Avenue, the site of a tragic deadly crash Sept. 3, will become a four-way stop on Thursday. FILE PHOTO
    The intersection of San Miguel Road and Laurel Avenue, the site of a tragic deadly crash Sept. 3, will become a four-way stop on Thursday. FILE PHOTO

Labor Day weekend’s horrific vehicular homicide has led to some changes coming forth in Poinciana. Currently, electronic signs have been posted at the intersection of San Miguel Road and Laurel Avenue, which will soon become a four-way stop. This is the intersection where a woman and her three grandchildren were killed on Sept. 3 when a 15-year-old reportedly unlicensed driver ran a stop sign.

That intersection has been the scene of numerous accidents. It is common knowledge that Poinciana needs better infrastructure. Until that is resolved, Poinciana drivers need to be on their best driving behavior – be conscience of speed limits, stop signs and road hazards - and unlicensed people have no business driving a car at all.

On the other side of town on Aug. 31, on Lake Hatchineha Road near Fire Tower Road, three teenagers crashed a car that had been stolen from the area of Dogwood Road and Narcissus Lane In this instance, the only people that were injured were the teenagers.

The Osceola County Sheriffs Office on Wheels unit will be at the Poinciana Walmart on Cypress Parkway on Friday, Sept. 29 from 4-8 p.m. This is a meet and greet with Sheriff Marcos R. Lopez and his canine sidekick Bacon. This is an opportunity for Osceola County residents to meet and talk to the top cop in the County.


Love Makes Me Grow presents a nine-Step Gardening Program at Chestnut Elementary for Science and Engineering. This program will teach children and families how to plan, grow and harvest your own vegetables. These skills will be presented by certified UF/IAS Master Gardeners. Classes will be held on Wednesdays after school and Sunday mornings. This five-week cycle garden class requires a completion of a questionnaire which is available at: https://forms.gle/ tQ2MKyutUvXNLKtW8.


Home buying can be a very stressful experience. Take your financial future in a new direction by attending Home Buyer Education on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 6-7 p.m. at the Poinciana Library. Presented by Centennial Bank. The goal is to teach the ABC’s of the home buying process.


If you have any Poinciana news or information that you would like to share, call Lisa Concepcion at 407-319-9700 or email lisaconcepcion810@yahoo.com.
