Dancing with the Adanse Stars 3: Heroes and She-roes

  • Kissimmee Police Chief Jeff O’Dell showed off his classy dance moves during Dancing with the Adanse Stars 3 Heroes and She-roes Sunday in downtown Kissimmee. PHOTO/CHRIS MILLER
    Kissimmee Police Chief Jeff O’Dell showed off his classy dance moves during Dancing with the Adanse Stars 3 Heroes and She-roes Sunday in downtown Kissimmee. PHOTO/CHRIS MILLER

From arriving at the scene to dancing their hearts out, this year’s Dancing with the Adanse Stars 3 Heroes and She-roes featured our community’s first responders.

The downtown Kissimmee Kissievent was full of amazing talent, with a crowded room of over 250 supporters raising funds for the Salvation Army, World Promotions Kids Foundation and Del Ambiente, a development group for the local LGBTQ+ Puerto Rican community.

The event, hosted by Adanse matriarch Jackie Espinosa and emcee “Trooper Steve” Montiero, featured dance numbers from first responders Veronica Correa (City of Kissimmee Public Safety), Ed Mateo (St. Cloud Police Department), Taylor Bruno (Kissimmee Fire Department), Yawn Tango (Osceola Sheriff ’s Department), Jeinly Ortiz (Kissimmee Police Department) and — the winner — KPD Chief Jeff O’Dell.

“This was a blast, and a wonderful evening. All of us put a lot of time into our routines,” O’Dell said. “I think we all were nervous that we’d forget or freeze up out there, but we exceeded our own expectations and were able to make it a great night for a truly fantastic cause.”

Along with the star stud cast of contestants the panel of judges were Vincent Chiu (Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida), Wilda Belisle (Senior VP Osceola County Council of Aging), and Fey Olga Pappas (Circuit Judge candidate). With colorful commentary and quick wit, the fun and laughter was contagious after every routine.

The Adanse group and Matador dancers made professional appearances throughout the show, showcasing a lifetime of talent they have worked hard at since a young age. Eddie and J.J. from the Adanse group were the professionals that paired up with the contestants and guided them to glorious performances.

Meanwhile, an audience, dressed to the nines, cheered their favorite contestants to victory with large head cut-outs.

“Unifying the community was the purpose, and it was achieved,” Espinosa said. “We had all of our local agencies under one roof. My heart is full.”