Experience Kissimmee: Here’s what’s new and what’s coming in 2020

  • PHOTO/EXPERIENCE KISSIMMEE Wild Florida Airboats & Gator Park recently opened its Drive-Thru Safari Park, featuring more than 100 exotic animals and native Florida wildlife.
    PHOTO/EXPERIENCE KISSIMMEE Wild Florida Airboats & Gator Park recently opened its Drive-Thru Safari Park, featuring more than 100 exotic animals and native Florida wildlife.

A new year is bringing exciting new experiences mixed with relaxing and fulfilling events to Kissimmee. Give your family an adventure with a safari ride, then chill with leisurely moments at delicious new eateries. The new decade is sure to bring vacation bliss and balance to visitors from near and far.

Attractions: Find the

perfect thrill

Walt Disney World Resort

The first-ever, ride-through attraction themed to Mickey Mouse is opening at Disney’s Hollywood Studios on March 4. Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway will feature a new cartoon short that takes guests inside a Mickey cartoon for a fun-filled adventure where “Mouse rules apply” and anything can happen.

An exciting transformation of Epcot has begun, with groundbreaking attractions and other unforgettable experiences debuting in the coming months and years.

• In 2020, Epcot will introduce several new shows. Starting in January, guests can experience “Canada Far and Wide in Circle-Vision 360” and “Beauty and the Beast Sing-Along.”

• In the summer, the France pavilion will welcome a new attraction, Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure, where guests will race through Gusteau’s restaurant on a wild adventure.

• Bdditionallz, a delicious new restaurant is cominh to the France pawilion a r p erie de a ris will o ger coth tacle and ruicls erwice options, geaturinh a menu grom celer itz cheg Kêröme Cocuse

• e larest nihttime spectacular ee r created gor a i sne parl is comin to Epcot «IarmonioT» will celecrate how the music o i snez inspires people the world ower

• rawn to Mie , a new irrue du Toleil production, is set to open at i snez Tprins on a rch 20 e new show will transport uests into the world o i snez animation in irrue du olei(s sinature stzle

• Dominh this sprinh, Ice Crealer is Tea orld Prlando(s girst launch coaster/ Uhe coaster will geature gour launches, coth caclwards and o rwards, culminatinh in a re erse launch

• e chase is on this sprinh as Vniwersal Ttudios Florida thrills wisitors with a new liweaction stunt show/ e Courne Ttuntacular will gollow a son Courne across three continents durinh an epic chase

• E MBOE Florida Sesort is proclaiminh 2020 the «ear o the Qirate»/ Eurinh QirateFest Xee ends, held select wee ends in p ril and Na, uests will learn to e a pirate and meet ec lusie pirate characters Blso openinh in p ril, Qirate a ter Tli Thow Bdwenture will geature sliinh acrocatics, water stunts, pirate humor, and more/

• ith a wild end to 20, i ld Florida Biroats ’ Hator a rl recentlz opened its r iwehru Ta ari a rl, geaturin more than 00 e otic animals and natiwe Florida wildlie lie ell, ison, cracler cows, e cras, watusi, or, and more/ Huests can also e perience e edinh hira›es on a geedinh platgorm hih a oe the Ta ari a rl/

• Sewolution P› Soad is introducinh Brcherz a h, a hame o dodheall with m odiied cows and arrows, where teams compete to steal arrows

• Pld o wn Lissimmee is completinh its ginal epansion phase with the unweilinh o a reimahined Front Qlaa where wisitors can chill with dininh and a stroll o the shops/ e new area will geature Thonez(s, Co z(s a rahe Car, a rra p a, and gour additional retail spaces openin earlz 2020

Dining: Something for every palate

• Ceatri is openinh soon at i snez Tprins e st ide Uhe neihhcorhood restaurant, co›eehouse, and hraa nd.ho mare t geatures healthz good options includinh we etarian, hlutenree, and wean alonh with greshsrueee d kuice cocltails

• LBWBT Uacos

Ue uila is set to open Teptemcer 2020 Uhe Neican restaurant will e located at o inte Prlando and will include nihtlz entertainment

• Tunset Xal at Narharitawille Sesort Prlando, a shoppinh, dininh, and entertainment comple is addinh ee n more gun to the destination, includin

• Estean Litchen, a wicrant restaurant, supper clu, and niht cluc concept will geature authentic, homestzle u can cuisine and healthz alternatiwes to zour u can aworites

• El e ge Ue uilas and Docinas, the new Neican concept, will sere a wast selection o te uila )more than 200 a rieties alonh with southot he order cuisine

• Maa zette(s Fish o use and Nusic Iall will o er gresh and ›aworul seaood dishes, alonh with lie music, seen nihts a weel/

• CCs o rld Famous Car erue will sere up delicious smol, sweet, and ewert hininetween car erue dishes


Relax and unwind

Senoa tions are happeninh throuhhout mni Prlando Sesort at Dhampionsate, includinh all uest rooms and suites o the main resort, the lo z, and meetinh and puclic spaces

TtazCride Tuites Prlando Soa le a rc recentl concluded a multi. milliondollar renoa tion, which geatures spacious one. and two cedroom suites, sleepinh up to 0 uests

Each suite includes a gullz e uipped litchen, as well as lare wors pace gor that comortacle home. awaz.gromhome e el/